Ian looks serious Ian McQueen music for young players
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Beggarman-Thief! (1984)

Duration: First Part: 45 minutes; Second Part: 35 minutes

Libretto: composer, after the book Peter Fidus by Sven Wernstrom, with interpolated poems of William Blake

It's Spring - I'm eighteen!
I'm going off to the Big Town
To make something of myself!
I'm leaving - NOW!

An opera in Two Acts for Young People to sing and play

Commissioned by the Inner London Education Authority's Cockpit Theatre

Full details on the Operas page

MP3 audio extract (1'48"):
Act 1

Other Music for Young Players or Amateurs:
Infinity Contained
Suivez la Piste!
Dayspring - a Madrigal for May
Three Carols for 1984
Alice First and Last
By Fire [Per Ignem]
The Owl and the Pussycat
Four Traditional Christmas Carol Arrangements
The Darkness Declares
Fanfares and Nocturnes
Ring Out Wild Bells!